Saturday, July 7, 2007

If Westland had a water tower...

we could paint 'Save Joey' on it. We could spread the word that I am terminally ill. We could collect donations at school. We could advertise in the newspapers. We could start social action groups. We could foil every effort of our meddling principal to spoil our fun. We could have messenger - particularly a singing nurse - visit my home to wish me well. And we could throw a benefit concert... to save Joey.

And by we could, I mean everyone else I know could do all of these great things, while I took my best friend and a special lady out on the town on such a nice day.
I could borrow a rich man's under-appreciated 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California. I could dine at a fine restaurant posing as a local business baron . I could sing in a parade while regular citizens break out into choreographed song and dance; Danke Schoen and Twist and Shout are perfect options. I could visit a museum and consider my place in the world. I could catch a homerun at a baseball game, and be on TV. I could - and by I could, I mean we could - accomplish all of this in one "day off" from the typical mundanity of our everyday lives. Because it's just too nice too go to school today. Then when all is said and done, and I am so close to getting caught in my independent and people-loving ways of spreading joy throughout the world, fate would make everything OK, because what I(we) do will be good.
(And Rooney is an old confused man, whose outlook on life will hopefully improve.)

Hey. They could even make a movie about our adventures.
Wait. Ann Arbor has a water tower.


  1. You probabaly don't remember me but I went to school with you....high school...jr. high...Well anyway bravo on your blog... very interesting...YouTube page too!
    And I like to put "..." after everything.


  2. Ah if Westland had a water tower...

    Very interesting blog...I enjoyed reading it...and YouTube page too.

    You might not remember me but we went to high school/jr. high together.

    Well anyways...


  3. I definitely turned 'comment moderation' on yesterday to try and find an easy way to keep up on the comments people leave, but apparently it neglects to post the comments until I publish them myself.

    Ha... sorry for making you post the same thought twice, Sharla.

    'Comment Moderation' = off


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