Saturday, July 5, 2008

Earth v. The Earth

Often we call our planet "The Earth" as if it is an object, much like we may refer to the man, or the clock, or the home, creating some personal detachment from it.

But sometimes we call our planet "Earth" giving her a name, like an artwork, or a beloved ship, or a pet, or a friend, creating a relationship between ourselves and Earth.

Semantics? Perhaps.
But it is not the way we say it that concerns me, rather the way we think about our planet...
as a place, as a home, as a rock, as a friend... ???


  1. So you have to ask yourself...why did you call "Earth" a she? That's something that I don't get. Why are ships, or buildings, or large weird inanimate objects labeled 'she's. Why aren't they 'it's or 'they's or even why the hell are they personified at all? Why aren't they called what they are? "Look at how beautiful she is" should only refer to a woman, not a ship. At least that's my take on the whole situation. (Rant complete, Emily out...)

  2. A ship is an object. As such, the reference to a ship as some gender is irrelevant to the point I make. Objects - while taking care of them is important to our health and Earth's - do not have life.

    Earth has life, is not an object. The actual gender of Earth is irrelevant, just as the gender of God is irrelevant. So call them "he" if you like; call them "she" if you like; call them "it" if you like.

    I just hope she doesn't take any offense.


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